The Rice Road of the Three Rivers has established six categories of members

Category 1

  • Individual or associated agricultural and agri-food companies, cooperatives, and other economic and professional organizations of producers, meeting the required quality standards.
  • Agritourism businesses and educational farms.
  • Commercial and artisanal enterprises, as well as other companies specializing in typical and quality productions relevant to the Rice Road.

Category 2

  • Restaurants, trattorias, wine bars, and establishments authorized to serve meals, food, and beverages from the Rice Road.
  • Tourism and hospitality businesses.

Category 3

  • Local subregional entities, both individual and associated, as well as public territorial and/or economic bodies.
  • Universities, hospitality and agricultural institutes, and educational institutions of all levels.

Category 4

  • Agrotechs and regional wine shops.
  • Event committees and Pro Loco associations.
  • Protection and catering consortia.
  • Tourist operators and their consortia, tourist associations, and hiking and environmental guides.

Category 5

  • Museums, eco-museums, and other exhibition spaces dedicated to or related to agriculture, rural life, food and wine, and ethnography; castles and other cultural heritage sites.
  • Cultural, artistic, recreational, sports, and environmental institutions and associations.

Category 6

  • Professional agricultural organizations and those from other productive sectors (commerce, industry, crafts, services, etc.) that are most representative.
  • Various entities and organizations related to production or the productive sector referenced by the Rice Road (e.g., irrigation associations and consortia, research and experimentation centers, varietal or livestock breed selection, and organizations involved in technology and innovation).

The Members Map

Enter the world of the Rice Road of the Three Rivers: in this section, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the various offerings in the area. Visit the profiles of our members and embark on a journey through the experiences, passions, and expertise each entity brings.

The map is not just a representation of our members; it’s a tangible testament to the human richness that fuels our project.


A sensory journey

The Rice Road of the Three Rivers organizes events that serve as a true means of connection, essential in an increasingly fluid and diverse society that seeks experiences.

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